Welcome to the guide you wish you had when your baby was born.

The number one thing we hear from the parents we help is, "I'm so glad I have you on my team to help hold my hand through this parenting journey because there are so many options and choices and I don't know what to believe..."


I have two certifications in pediatrics, have read countless books on brain development, and have helped thousands of children reach their God given potential. But when I was handed my only child I froze and I had no idea what to do.

It was at that point I realized that there is a massive gap in what parents know and what they need to know in how to raise children with a strong foundation for their health, learning, and relationships.

We exist to fill in that gap.

Is Building your Baby's Brain

For me and my family?

If this sounds like you, then yes!

  • You believe that health is more than just the absence of symptoms. You may not have all of the answers to your friends and families questions but the wee small voice inside of you tells you this is true.

  • You want more than just "what is normal" for yourself and your family. You see where the trends are heading in raising healthy children, and you do not want your child to become a statistic like so many have.

  • You have a long-term vision for your child's success. You're dedicated to laying a strong foundation for your child's future success and believe in the power of investing in their early years.

  • You know that "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth." You want to do everything in your power (food, school, parenting, etc.) to set your family up for generations to come, and you would like someone to help hold your hand in that process.

  • You seek expert wisdom. You crave more than just generic advice and want insights to your child's journey.

Sign Up Today…

Join Building Your Baby's Brain now to nurture your child's potential. Click "Get Started" for right now strategies to help with your child's development AND for long term solutions that will help fulfill your long term vision for your child's success.

Meet your guides

Two parents who want to help couples step into the blessing God has for them

Dr. Bridget Farrar

I am a wife, mother, Follower of Christ, speaker, and third generation chiropractor. My gifting is to encourage and support families as they plan to build their multi generational family. God has blessed me with the life experience and scientific understanding on how to help couples on their journey with preconception health, pregnancy prep to have the birth of your desires, or parenting your children in a way to shepherd their hearts and so much more.

Being a third generation chiropractor, I was always different. My parents (and grandfather) didn't do things the "normal" way. They had a different thought process on health, healing, and raising children, and because of that they got different results from what is normal.

I am passionate about helping other families who want for their kids, the health and life paradigm that I was blessed with. I want to create a generation of kids who are living to their optimal potential so we can make this world a better place for our kids!

Dr. Vincent Farrar CACCP, DICCP

I am a husband, father, pediatric expert in chiropractic, and a follower of Jesus. I have been put on earth to stand in the gap for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I am hugely passionate about helping all kids reach their God given potential, particularly through creating a strong neurological foundation to maximize the impacts of all the life experiences that are going to follow.

Growing up I feel like I was always sick. I had strep throat so many times that I "had to have my tonsils taken out." Then I started having allergies so horribly that I could barely do the thing I loved, play baseball.

However, God used my health challenges as an impetus to start my journey into chiropractic and optimal brain development. I want to be able to help you build your multi generational family on mission to give, love, and serve however God has called you to do so in your life!

Here's what you'll get inside of our community

  • Learning Hub: Each month we will curate new content to help you understand the intricacies of early childhood development. From articles and educational videos to personalized tips, our Learning Hub is designed to empower you with knowledge to foster your baby's cognitive, emotional, and social growth.

  • Connect and Discuss: Parenthood can be an exhilarating yet challenging adventure. Engage in open and heartfelt discussions with fellow community members who are navigating similar paths. We have a community chat with different channels so you can get the help you need and share your experiences, exchange parenting strategies, and find comfort in the shared journey of raising our next generation.

  • Growth Milestones: Celebrate the small victories and significant milestones in your baby's development. Whether it's the first smile, the initial steps, or a new word, our community is here to cheer on these precious moments that make parenting so rewarding.

  • Support in Building Your Multi-Generational Family Team: Whether you're the pioneer for your family or the next person up to carry the torch we want to support you in the legacy God has created and is going to create in and through your family. We recognize that family is at the heart of a child's upbringing, we encourage active participation from all family members and close friends. Grandparents, aunts, uncles – everyone is welcome to share their wisdom and experiences to enrich our collective understanding of nurturing young minds.

  • Community Events: Join us for monthly live webinars and interactive workshops led by experts in child development. These events provide opportunities for real-time learning, Q&A sessions, and a chance to connect with professionals who can guide you on your parenting journey.

  • Supportive Network: Building Your Baby's Brain Community is more than just an online platform; it's a support network. Reach out for advice, encouragement, or simply to share a parenting win or challenge. Our members are here to uplift, inspire, and empower each other.

Our new content that launches December 6 is...

Here's what you'll learn in this course:

  • Why your kid has such a hard time around the holidays and how it is based on their brain development

  • How to regulate you and your child’s nervous systems to be more calm and adaptable in stressful times

  • How to anticipate your child’s triggers and sensory needs

  • How to increase predictability for your kids in order to lower stress

  • How to give your kids more grace

  • Tangible, in-the-moment strategies to help your kids regulate no matter where they are

  • How to set boundaries and modify traditions in order to honor your family’s unique needs

  • Tried-and-true strategies that work for our toddlers and family

  • Our ULTIMATE bonus hack!